Names - List

Names - List



Returns a paged list of names details.


All parameters are optional.

pageThe pagination offset for the list of results starting at 1.
pagesizeThe number of results to display during pagination (default = 10).
frommodifieddateThe earliest modified date for any of the results. The format of the date is yyyy-dd-mm.
parentnameid The unique identifier of the direct parent name.

The unique identifier of any ancestor name.


Use either the parentNameId or ancestorNameId parameter to retrieve the children or all descendants of a name.


The response will include the full details of the requested names.

NamesAn array of the name details
TotalThe total number of names that match the request parameters.
PageThe pagination offset for the list of results.
PageSizeThe maximum number of records that will be returned for the request.


Example response (abbreviated)

    "Names": [
            "NameId": "030e9726-81c5-4aaa-b6d6-dada939f91ab",
            "Class": "Scientific Name",
            "FullName": "Peziza herbarum Pers., 1794",
    "Total": 85,
    "Page": 1,
    "PageSize": 10


Returning a list of records to maintain a local cache.

This will return a list of names that have been modified since January 16 2013.


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